Fire Walk & Shamanic Power Retrieval

In spring 2021 I made the decision to head off to Scotland on a Shamanic adventure. I’d been scanning the internet for several months toying with the idea of doing some additional training to support my personal and working practices. Initially I’d been drawn to doing a Masters in Psychology, I am hugely intrigued by the workings of the human brain and the things that make us tick so I investigated further. However there was something that didn’t quite feel right about delving back into formal education. Did I really need to understand the teachings of psychologists to better myself, was this my actual passion? I meditated a lot and sat with it. In my heart I knew I was being drawn more and more to learning more about Shamanism. I already had a good base knowledge and had worked with Shamanic teachers in Sussex, after over a year in lockdown I knew I needed to spread my wings further afield. Lendrick Lodge in Scotland kept popping up on my screen, gently nudging me in that direction. Eventually I booked the flights and I was heading off to complete a Fire Walk and Power Retrieval Training.  

The intention of the Fire Walk is to harness courage, personal power and strength which in turn enables you to be a better guide for others. This is coupled with the Power Retrieval work which allows you to be united energetically with the power that may have been lost over your life time. 

Lendrick Lodge is located in a stunning part of Scotland, nestled in the mountains and next to a Loch. There is a stream running alongside the house with a natural ‘Goddess Pool ‘ allowing space for a cold dip for those who were brave enough. On arrival I knew I’d made the right choice as I drove up there was a huge Eagle symbol perched on drive, a sign from higher power I hoped as birds are one of my most trusted spirit animals.  When I was shown to my room there was a quote on the back of my door ‘Take the Leap’. I couldn’t quite believe my eyes, the name of my own company written there in gold text, reminding me to be bold. Again, it was an assurance that I was in the right place.  The training took on the form of talks, journeys, drumming & meditation. We had free time to walk and explore and I took advantage of this every moment I could. 

The fire walk was naturally at the forefront of most people’s mind. There was excitement and anticipation from everyone and as Saturday arrived the energy started to grow. We built the fire together as a group then went inside for meditation whilst it burnt down. A few hours later we headed into the woods, with nightfall around us and the embers glowing. Before commencing  we each took part in an arrow ritual that is used as a way of releasing anything that is holding you back. One by one each person stepped forward, saying out loud what they wished to release and snapping the arrow in two, via the throat, from the force of a lunge. Personally, it was an extremely emotional experience for me. Tears poured down my face as I spoke aloud and used all my energy to break the arrow. It took 3 attempts but I got there in the end.

A piper arrived and played the bagpipes alongside others drumming. We made a circle around the fire and each walked across the hot coals. People leapt, danced, shimmied and strolled with the heat of the night engulfing us all. I walked the embers 3 times in total and after I felt both ecstatic and exhausted. There is something really profound about a group experience of that nature. It connects you on a completely new level. Although my feet were hot, they weren’t blistered or burnt. That night I slept deeply and woke early in the morning with an urgency and vibrancy about me. I went downstairs and immediately plunged into the icy cold waters of ‘Goddess Pool’ feeling more alive than ever.

The rest of the day we spent in our Power Retrieval Training, working in pairs and connecting deeply to our higher-selves, our guides and the divine energy around us. This was most certainly a weekend I would never, ever forget.

More information on Power Retrievals or One-2-One Shamanic Journeys click here: One to One