Yin Yoga at the Equinox

In September 2022 I am joining up with the wonderful Yoga teacher Sue Bringloe once again, this time to host a half day workshop based around the Autumn Equinox.

I first met Sue on one of my own retreats and I immediately felt drawn to her warm energy. We had lovely discussions around health, heart, energy, movement and stillness. I was keen to work with Sue and having found a lovely venue in West Sussex at Lets Retreat, we put our idea’s in motion.

Our first workshop The Power of Self Worth, sold out immediately so we began work on the Autumn Equinox gathering – Find Your Inner Love Warrior.

Autumn Equinox Workshop – Overview of Yoga Practice

Here Sue talks about the practise she suggest for this time at year and what will be offered at the workshop….

“The Autumn Equinox marks the end of summer and the stepping into autumn.  Traditionally it is a time of great activity and abundance as the harvest is collected and stored to last through the winter.  A time to discard all that is has become rotten or withered and to collect seeds and prepare the ground for the year to come.  A time to be grateful for what the earth has produced and a time to let go of that which no longer serves us.

“It is a time of balancing and grounding the dualities of day/night, summer/winter, light/ dark abundance/scarcity.  In yogic philosophy the balancing of these dualities are represented in the principles of Yin and Yang energy. Each is relative to the intensity of the other and by using a gentle flow between them we can become familiar with the middle ground where balance, equanimity and stillness is to be found.

” In the yoga portion of this workshop I will use an interplay of yang flow movements and yin floor based poses to seek out that middle ground of balance, or the state of ‘Sattva’ as it is known in yoga philosophy.  The more we can make contact with this middle ground, the easier it becomes to return to our centre in times of challenge or imbalance. Yin/Yang yoga has its roots in China in the Taoist concepts of yin — a feminine, passive, cooling energy — and yang — a masculine, dynamic, warming energy. Interweaving these dualities in a gentle, supported and accessible way we will explore this time of transition from summer to autumn. “

To book your space on the upcoming workshop click here. Tickets are £65 for half day.