Ceremonial Cacao

About Ceremonial Cacao & What to Expect
Cacao is packed full of vitamins and minerals and increases blood flow to the brain which helps to strengthen awareness. It invites the body to heal, detoxify and open the heart centre, there’s reason why we give chocolate own Valentines day – for it’s loving properties. The Cacao I offer is usually both as a solid piece and a drink. It is essentially a warm, hot chocolate that is very, very rich. I enjoy dark, raw chocolate but if you’re not acquired to that taste it could be very bitter. To accommodate this, it is mixed with a milk or water with optional honey. The preparation is very important and will be honoured and blended with mindful intention beforehand. The cacao is sipped quietly and slowly. How you then interact is different at each ceremony, sometimes it is followed by estatic dance and other times with a journey or meditation, usually with drumming. It does have some stimulating properties but it is generally regarded as very safe. It is not a psychedelic and its effects are gentle and mild, even in the higher doses that you might drink in a ceremony.Those who should however be cautious are: if you are pregnant, have heart problems or  if you have sensitivity to caffeine or chocolate. Consult your doctor if you are on antidepressants, you can still take it but we will give you a small portion.

Robert is very passionate about the cacao being sourced and used correctly. He has direct connections with the farmer he purchases from, having been to Peru himself to spend time with Demetrio and  the family. The Ceremonial Cacao is regarded as a healing plant medicine in its native lands. Those who grow it honour the land and nurture the whole process in spirit from the roots to the cup. Cacao is packed full of vitamins and minerals and increases blood flow to the brain which helps to strengthen awareness and focus. It helps the body to heal, detoxify and open the heart. It does have some stimulating properties but it is generally regarded as very safe. It is not a psychedelic and is its effects are gentle and mild, even in the higher doses that you might drink in a ceremony. The Cacao for I use for my workshops is Chuncho, Peruvian Ceremonial Grade purchased from Robert Leons of Heart Warriors. Robert has a direct relationship with his farmer in Peru, who grows the taco as time honoured, plant medicine.

Robert say “Demetrio (the caaco supplier) protects and allows the anaconda snake to roam free on his land, believing as we do, that the spirit of the Anaconda helps protect his Chuncho crops. Some larger farmer see the Anaconda as a  threat and will kill it but Demetrio wants to protect all living creatures. “.

My First Experience with Ceremonial Cacao
Cacao ceremonies had been on my radar for a little while and although there seemed to be lots of events taking place nothing had drawn me in enough to book. That was until a trusted friend pointed me in the direction of Robert Leons, a Shamanic Practitioner  based  in the North of England. He was holding a one-off Cacao ceremony less than an hours drive from my home. It was a sign. It also happened to coincide with the passing of my Mother who had died only a few week earlier. I was aware that supporting my grief through a heart centred event would be hugely beneficial, so I booked. I gathered with a group of strangers around a fire, we set our personal intentions and then drank the Cacao, taking time to focus energy in our hearts. I then lay down and began a Shamanic journey / visualisation with drumming.  My experience was very cathartic and reassuring, I felt peaceful and calm but also had very vivid and clear messages in the form of my visualisations.


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